"Wait on the Lord" scripture song is based on Psalm 27:14. This verse always brings me such comfort and joy. Sheet music is available in two versions: (1) Piano Block Chords and (2) Early Intermediate Piano Arrangement.
"Wait on the Lord" scripture song is based on Psalm 27:14. This verse always brings me such comfort and joy. Sheet music is available in two versions: (1) Piano Block Chords and (2) Early Intermediate Piano Arrangement.
The Lord has placed a burden on my heart to share my scripture songs with others. Personally, I have found scripture songs help me memorize God's Holy Word and keep my thoughts focused on Christ. I pray these scripture songs will bless your soul as they have mine.
"The Lord is My Light" scripture song is based on Psalm 27:1. Sheet music is available in two versions: (1) Piano Block Chords and (2) Early Intermediate Piano Arrangement.
This piano solo is dedicated to Maurica, one of my online piano students, who was the inspiration for this classical hymn arrangement! This classical hymn arrangement creatively combines the familiar Irish melody of "Be Thou My Vision" with Beethoven's expressive "Moonlight Sonata". This arrangement is 5 pages in length (approx. 3:37 minutes in duration), and it is perfect for both recital and church performances year-round.
Want to play this piano solo? The sheet music is available on Sheet Music Plus. If you're like me, you often find yourself spending numerous hours cooking and cleaning your kitchen each week. Over the last several months, I have been using this regular time each week to sing and memorize hymns. In order to memorize all the verses to a hymn, I have to pay more attention to the lyrics, which allows to me to discover the entire message of the song. Singing hymns throughout the day helps me to focus on the Lord, and not on my earthly circumstances. I came across the idea to post hymns on the inside of my kitchen cabinet doors at a friend's home. Recently, I have begun propping my spiral-bound hymn book on the kitchen window ledge so I can sing more hymns. One of my favorite hymns is Yesterday, Today, Forever; especially verse two. Yesterday, Today, Forever Words by Albert B. Simpson, 1890 O how sweet the glorious message simple faith may claim Yesterday, today, forever Jesus is the same. Still He loves to save the sinful, heal the sick and lame Cheer the mourner, still the tempest, glory to His name. Refrain Yesterday, today, forever, Jesus is the same. All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name! Glory to His name! Glory to His name! All may change, but Jesus never! Glory to His name! He who pardoned erring Peter never needest thou fear, He who came to faithless Thomas all thy doubt will clear; He who let the loved disciple on His bosom rest Bids thee still, with love as tender, lean upon His breast. Refrain He who ‘mid the raging billows walked upon the sea Still can hush our wildest tempest, as on Galilee; He who wept and prayed in anguish in Gethsemane Drinks with us each cup of trembling, in our agony. Refrain What are some of your favorite hymns?
AboutHi, my name is Mrs. Cook and my desire is to share the joy of the piano with young people and those who remain 'young at heart'. Categories